The Aspera 2016 Software Asset Management (SAM) market study is based on a survey completed by 436 SAM professionals worldwide across all industries. The survey assessed:
– How long organizations had a SAM practice in place
– How they managed software
– The scope of their SAM project
– Their SAM maturity
– The challenges they faced
– Their key motivations for looking at SAM
In summary, it was identified that:
– Software Asset Management is still growing as a discipline with few organizations realizing their full potential of optimizing their license management
– Most organizations manage less than fifty software vendors and the more advanced manage both, desktops and servers
– Those organizations that have invested into resources, technology and tools are reaping the long-term rewards
– Certain regions indicate higher levels of maturity while progress and level of professionalism can also significantly vary from organization to organization
– The complexity of managing licenses in large organizations plus the lack of resources are perceived as the biggest challenges with SAM
– Overall the threat of software audits and quest for cost transparency remain key business
To read full study, please contact us here and we will send it to you shortly.

2016 Global Study about SAM Practices
1 Comment
Alex Dyce · August 11, 2016 at 7:30 am
Please send me a copy
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