
Microsoft Office 365 is taking over the business world. Microsoft has reported half of their business Office users are on Office 365. This number is expected to grow with the coming years. This also means there will be more and more migrations to Office 365, all for good reason. Office 365 is the hub for business communication and management. The benefits are vast, improving productivity, ensuring scalability, and securing uptime.

If you are not already using Office 365, you are likely to be in the future. With that, you will need the proper migration tools and support in place to ensure a smooth adoption. However, before the switch, we wanted to offer our advice: be careful of the auditing process!

Auditing exists in the software world and oftentimes comes at a large cost. With that, it is common to get uncomfortable with the word and begin to doubt your ability to manage software. Even in this day and age, though we have specific departments to help avoid pesky audit disasters, audits still cause a hole in our business pockets and pains in our sides.

Even with a strong team of your top IT professionals can have issues with the auditing process. This is because the IT pros are ill-prepared. This is due to the native Office 365 management tools not having the maturity to assist in the way that is needed for some on-premise software.

Auditing is a major challenge to making the switch. Rather than worrying this might be done incorrectly, it is best to use tools that are made for this type of job. Here at TBSC we have developed the Smarter Cloud Migrations tool that can assist with getting you on track with your Office 365.

Switch your applications to cloud subscriptions with our Smarter Cloud Migration. During the process, we help clean your unused applications whilst cancelling your legacy applications. This allows you to run on the latest versions, problem free, with a high rate of SaaS usage.

For more information, contact a member of our sales team today!

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