As Doris Day famously sang “Que sera sera, the future’s not ours to see”, we can never be certain about what changes will affect our lives in the coming years. However, as business professionals one of our key duties is to anticipate and adapt to technology changes that will bring efficiencies to the organisations we work for. For IT and software asset management the next five years will see the radical transformation of IT procurement processes and the technology and skills required to support them.

Anyone who thinks IT and software asset management will be the same in the coming years is in for a shock. The major vendors such as Microsoft and Oracle are changing their business models and the technologies such as IOT and AI are already happening. As with all changes there will be winners and losers. It is vital not just to predict changes for the future but take advantage of them. As Warren Buffet said “Predicting rain doesn’t help, building arcs does”. Over the next few years the following trends will decide who prospers and who falls by the wayside.

  • Big Data
  • I.O.T. (Internet of Things)
  • A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Talking Computers
  • Blockchain and ISO/IEC 19770

It means we will see the following major transitions in SAM:

  • Information processing becoming  activity processing
  • Perpetual to open source subscriptions
  • Licenses replaced by services
  • Compliance focus superseded by efficiency focus
  • SAM evolving to TAM

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    Categories: News


    Terrance O'Shea · April 5, 2018 at 3:55 am

    no comment

    Lee Millington · April 7, 2018 at 9:22 pm


    Mark Noonan · April 8, 2018 at 3:13 am

    Shame downloading the white paper form doesn’t work

    Comments are closed.