Registering Smarter SaaS for your clients has now become easier than ever. Once a 10 minute process for set-up, now only takes a few minutes! We listened to your feedback and have worked closely with our developers to bring a user friendly, simple, application registration.
Features include:
- Less steps, less hassle
- Simple registration link generation
- Clients use the registration link to register to the portal
- Instructions available on Smarter SaaS Dashboard titled ‘Office 365’
- Option to register your client as a managed service
- Takes only minutes to set-up and pull data
Find the Updated Application Registration Instructions on Yammer
TBSC has a Partner Network Group on Yammer dedicated to partner communications. Our application registration document has been updated on our Marketing/Sales folders accessible on Yammer. Please request to follow the group to gain access: https://www.yammer.com/office365partners/groups/TBSCPartnerNetwork
Share your Feedback:
Are you a TBSC partner interesting in sharing your feedback on the registration process or other comments on our products, solutions, or support? Submit your feedback here.