Moving your applications to the cloud can be a complex undertaking. Is your business ready?
Application Rationalisation for Cloud Readiness cannot progress successfully without first establishing the rationales on which future services are to be supported.You need to identify a set of evaluation criteria against which each application used is assessed to provide direct and structured comparison of fit to business and cloud strategies. This stage involves stakeholder workshops and face to face meetings with business and functional process owners. Resulting from this stage, you will be able to establish the benchmark of enterprise business needs which are used to identify future strategic cloud options allowing progression to the application evaluation and cloud streamlining.
Our approach is application-first, looking at the software tools that you use and support to determine whether they can – or should – be delivered on a cloud model. Some older or legacy applications for example may not be suitable for migration to the cloud but can be made more efficient by alternative means, including containerisation. The first step is to understand what your applications do, how they work, the technology that underpins them and your scalability and resiliency requirements. This technical and operational information is then paired with any commercial requirements which then will use to prepare a readiness report. The report will contain a readiness score and will highlight the areas of focus that need to be addressed as part of your cloud transition. To accurately size your environment, you will undertake a range of discovery activities depending on your current and target state.
Gaining visibility into and control over IT assets is an extremely difficult task to accomplish using manual methods and spreadsheets. Efforts quickly become too fragmented and uncoordinated – often because IT purchasing responsibility falls to numerous people within the organisation. Not only do IT assets become difficult to track, they become even harder to manage. The situation is exacerbated by rapid product lifecycles and the need to regularly patch and upgrade software. Using IT asset discovery tools, users can reduce the cost of maintenance and gain a much better view into what assets are duplicated and what areas of IT need to be rationalised.
You also need to complete each engagement is such a way that the stakeholders within the organisation can take on board the ongoing responsibility for the activity, ensuring that the necessary skills and knowledge are transferred. Further, where additional related activities may be necessary, you also need to support your team in meeting these objectives, coaching and mentoring staff where appropriate.
TBSC offers tailored on and off-boarding services where we can take over an existing application or pass application development/integration/support to a third party, with a comprehensive documentation trail and planned Knowledge Transfer activities.

rationalise applications for cloud readiness