DevOps Excellence Awards 2021, hosted by Computing, has announced the finalists for their awards.
Businesses or products shortlisted are in various categories ranging from MSPs, projects, to cloud solutions. We are happy to be part of such diverse entries and are proud to announce TBSC are finalists for DevOps Excellence Awards 2021 in the category of Best DevOps Cloud Product with our development of Smarter SaaS for M365.
The winners will be announced via an exclusive awards eBook on Wednesday 30 June.
The DevOps Excellence Awards is something TBSC looks forward to every year. The DevOps Excellence Awards embarks on finding the best in the UK’s DevOps & cloud industry. It is an honour to be recognized by Computing for our efforts in making Smarter SaaS for M365 quick, easy, and cost-effective for Microsoft license management.
We try to be innovative in our product development throughout the year to bring you the best in cloud solutions and services! We certainly felt the push to update our product after the pandemic and increase of remote working. Throughout this year we have made some big changes including offering a partner portal to easily manage and access your clients using Smarter SaaS and offering eLearning with your Smarter SaaS subscription, powered by Bigger Brains.
To make the transition from office to home office easier for your business and employees, we recommend utilizing your software licenses by analyzing and understanding your Teams usage. Not only that, but we advise to take advantage of Bigger Brains training tools to increase your usage to 95%.
By increasing your usage through training and licenses management, not only do you better your remote working strategy and communication, but you will get an increase on your ROI.
How Smarter SaaS for Microsoft 365 stands out from the rest:
Our smarter products are cloud applications that can be used virtually to help with your software asset management. Our product, Smarter SaaS for Microsoft 365 is capable of monitoring Microsoft 365 licenses whilst providing accurate and actionable data. Rather than doing this all manually, we give you the easy of running automatic monitoring of usage, installs, and even reharvesting! If you are looking to better your SaaS management, look no further than our Smarter SaaS.
As a thanks for supporting us for this award, you are invited to try a free trial!
Did you know that you can fully automate your SaaS management? Here’s how to do it! TBSC offers a free trial on our product Smarter SaaS, helping you achieve quick, efficient, and cost-effective software asset management. Give it a try today by Clicking Here.