What is the client report?
TBSC’s client report provides breakdown of our current end user markets. This includes key information such as:
-Business size
-Recommendations on how to tap into new markets
-Case study of TBSC partner success
Business Size Key Findings
Using this data, TBSC clients fall into the categories of micro, small, medium, and large (250+ employees). To compare client business sizes from the first half of 2022, TBSC found the top three client business sizes currently registered for the Smarter SaaS Health-Check or the Smarter SaaS Production Service are:

Industry Key Findings:
Comparing from the first half of 2022, TBSC found the top three client industry sectors currently registered for the Smarter SaaS Health-Check or the Smarter SaaS Production Service are:

At TBSC we embrace the flexibility and adaptability of the open SaaS ecosystem. With our Smarter SaaS products, we help our partners operate successful cloud businesses.
Smarter SaaS helps grow cloud businesses by:
-86.6% win rate from free trial (Health check) to production
-Funding through Microsoft co-op (rebates)
-Channel only sales funnels
-Increase customer retention / loyalty through added value
-Training sales team on Smarter SaaS Products
-Easy to install Smarter SaaS (less than 10-minutes)
Increase revenue streams and improve Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).
Successful end user target markets:
TBSC found that any business size and any industry sector benefits from using Smarter SaaS. However, our top clients are:
-Large (250+ employees) and medium size businesses
-Manufacturing & Engineering industry
-Property, Construction, Housing & Estates industry
New market reach opportunities:
To sell Smarter SaaS, any sector, public or private, would be interested in subscribing to Smarter SaaS to manage their Microsoft 365 licenses. These include:
-Education (University, etc.)
-Government (Councils, etc.)
-HR / Staffing
-Business Consulting & Management
-Financial Services
Read the full report to learn more.
To download TBSC’s client report to better understand end user target markets, click here: