We are on a mission to educate our partners about the importance of SaaS Ecosystems. To recap our last blog post, A SaaS Ecosystem is powered by creating strong partnership networks. Establishing partner networks encourages app development and additional collaborations on value-add products and services.

One example of how to establish an ecosystem is with LinkedIn. Did you know that TBSC products and services are on LinkedIn? We even have a private community page targeted for Microsoft 365 resellers and distributors! More details on how to follow us on LinkedIn below.

LinkedIn Product Pages

The ‘Product Page’ feature on LinkedIn business accounts allows for products and services to be showcased, which includes product descriptions, reviews, and customer testimonials.

With this feature, LinkedIn is used for:

  1. Generating leads – With analytics tools provided by LinkedIn, you can review the demographics of you audience
  2. Building a SaaS Ecosystem – Creating an online community where partners can interact and gain new information
  3. Validating product – ensure partners and clients see the success of the product through reviews and testimonials

Marketing Audience on LinkedIn

With our marketing reports, we have noticed more traffic to our LinkedIn social media over any other social media platform. This is due to:

  1. Professional environment focused on niche topic (SaaS)
  2. Networking of SaaS employees and businesses
  3. Posting on TBSC business and employee accounts to drive traffic
  4. Algorithm & keyword searching

LinkedIn and the SaaS Ecosystem

By using LinkedIn, whether that is the ‘Product Page’ or employee account, LinkedIn provides a great avenue for those looking to join or create their own SaaS Ecosystems.

Based on our experience in the software asset management industry, along with working alongside SaaS partner companies (often resellers and distributors involved with Microsoft 365), we discovered cloud business growth must focus on three key areas:

  • How will you gain customers?
  • How will you retain customers?
  • How do you add value to your offerings?

With LinkedIn, you can gain a clear understanding of who your target audience is through their analytics tools. Likewise, you can connect with partner companies to fuse offerings, adding value to your clients.

TBSC Smarter SaaS on LinkedIn

Check out TBSC’s product page on LinkedIn:


If you are a TBSC partner, we would love to connect with you on LinkedIn! Get in contact with us today: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-business-software-centre

We are available to co-brand marketing & sales content, share posts, and add engagements to your profiles.



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