TBSC’s mission is to bring you quick, efficient, and cost-effective software. With the help of feedback and testing, TBSC continues to strive for these goals, updating their products and services when necessary. The latest update is for Smarter SaaS, which now includes a free Efficiency Chart Rating.
Smarter SaaS originally launched in May of 2020. Since then, several updates were made. One of which is the compliance feature, where you can automatically view your current compliance and usage with your Microsoft 365 licenses.
In the beginning of January 2021, TBSC launched the latest update to Smarter SaaS which is the free efficiency chart rating. Where do you stand with optimizing your M365? The Smarter SaaS Efficiency Check analyses your current Microsoft 365 licensing management. After you are tested and scored, we will provide free advice on how to improve your score.
What is the problem with Microsoft 365?
Over the past 6 months TBSC has conducted research with thousands of Microsoft 365 users. We found the biggest problem with Microsoft 365 is that most organisations are not efficient with their M365 application usage, with 89% NOT fully using Microsoft Teams functions.
The Solution?
Smarter SaaS for M365 Efficiency Chart Rating can help with getting your business on the BEST license practices by reviewing the past 180 days’ worth of data:
- Set goals
- Measure usage
- Identify variances
- Implement solutions
- Subscription recycling
- Training
- Right facilities
Try for FREE today! A £3,000 value!
We will show you how to improve your efficiency rating and help you go from red to green. Other features include:
- Available for a 30-day free trial
- Can download directly off Microsoft Marketplace
- Complete license overview
- Subscription optimisation opportunities
- Automatic downgrade & re-harvesting calculation
- Automated notification emails to verify users
- M365 compliance overview
To get started with Smarter SaaS, please visit: https://tbsc.cloud/free-trial/